Monday, August 4, 2008

Best treatment for acne and causes of acne and how to prevent it

I tried lots of these many years ago to clear my acne. And they didn't make a bit of difference. I spent lots of money on cleansers, that required months to "see the benefit", but the benefit never came...
When you are looking into how to find the best acne cure or treatment, there is a lot of things to keep in mind. Finding the best acne cure or treatment is something that actually varies from person to person, and what works like a charm on someone else will have no effect, or even a negative effect on you. The process you use towards finding the right cure for you can be as important as the cure itself, so take a look at some basic guidelines for helping you find the cure.
You see, by putting something on your acne, like creams and lotions, you simply cannot expect to see much difference if you suffer from stubborn acne. And that's because acne is caused by conditions within the body. This means only an internal, natural approach will EVER work to clear up your breakouts...
tags: acne medication rateings, the cure for acne scars, acne stop age

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