Monday, June 2, 2008

What to drink for less acne oil production' and acne proactive treatment

Not just that, acne can be ugly and turn people away. The majority of people who experience severe acne are emotionally scarred by the social rejection, contributing to adolescent emotional insecurity and a sense of self-doubt. Because of this, acne should be treated as rapidly and as thoroughly as possible.
As for other diseases, over exposure to antibiotics may lead to bacteria becoming resistant. The same goes with acne. Prolonged usage of antibiotics to treat acne may in turn lead to resistant bacterial infection. Tetracycline is one example of acne treatment antibiotic. Here are its common side effects:
Use acne medications one at a time because mixing it together may cause adverse effects. Also, acne medication should be applied about half an inch beyond the inflamed area to keep it from spreading.
tags: how to clear acne on back, can a very high testosterone level cause back acne, acne solutions moisturizer

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