Monday, August 4, 2008

Long-term pills for acne and how can you clear up acne

One of the best skin care treatment creams using a combination of mandelic acid and malic acid combined with natural anti bacterial properties and great antioxidant protectant for the skin, has recently been developed. With multiple uses for common skin problems such Spots and boils on the face or body, Face scar and body scars, fine lines,and wrinkles,freckles ,age spots.The lotion also helps rebuild collagen and firms the skin.
If you want to clear your skin completely, you need to treat all the causes that lead to acne. By having a natural acne treatment system in place, you are not left with all the guesswork to achieve clear skin.
My last tip for today is Washing your sheets and pillow cases! Many people don't change out their sheets which is really gross. When you sleep for seven or eight hours the cotton materials your sheets are made out of absorb the oils and dirt from the air and your body. Eventually your bed could become the breeding ground for the evil acne monster, because all the dirt and oil in your sheets is getting into and clogging your pores. Just wash the evil acne monster out of your sheets and your pillow cases every other day or so and you should be fine.
tags: fish oil for acne, acne getting rid of it, how to keep your face clear of acne

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